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Our collaborative began our work together by collectively crafting Group Agreements that would shape the ways we learn and create together.
Each time we meet, we begin by reviewing these agreements. They have served as a compass helping us stay true to our values and aspirations.
Focus on Building Relationships
- Build an understanding of where each person is coming from and how they think about these issues – this will enable us to stay in the tension when we don’t agree
- No fixing, saving, advising or correcting each other
- Invite our full selves into this space – not just our professional selves, but our full lived experience – see each other as community members
Invest in Collaboration
- Remember that we are on each other’s side – avoid seeing each other as competitors
- Co-create with others beyond our Core Group
- Foster shared ownership
- Trust who shows up to move the work forward
- Focus on asset based movement building
Normalize Conflict
- Talk openly about how we want to navigate disagreement
- Remember that blame and fault are not useful or productive
Be Adaptive & Intentional
- Be open to the problem and solution changing
- Design meetings where we are clear about the purpose of our time together and leave clear about next steps
- Be mindful of unhealthy patterns we don’t want to reproduce: power dynamics, insular thinking, etc.
- Anticipate the evolution of our Core Group (forming, storming, norming, performing) and the evolution of our shared thinking (groan zone)