Constellations have guided people from cultures across the world on many journeys. As we seek to build community-driven, equitable systems, we do not find ourselves on a linear journey. Our path to transformation is multi-layered, interconnected, and requires us to move through cycles of focusing in and zooming out. We designed this constellation of tools to support systems change practitioners to move through those cycles.
The constellation we have developed, like all constellations, is embedded in a larger galaxy. The elements in the galaxy are bound together by a set of shared values that invite us to center our humanity. These values – reflection, relationships, joy, embodied wisdom, and decolonizing – are woven through all of our tools and frameworks. The galaxy values are what remain constant in the ever-evolving work of systems change.
Just as our universe is constantly expanding, so too is this constellation of tools and frameworks. There is always more to learn and discover.