Reflection Coloring Sheets

Our Community Engagement for Equitable Systems Collaborative created several activities as a special contribution to the Reflection Toolkit. Our hope was to create more resources for changemakers to engage their creative thinking and playful selves in their reflection practices. We hope you enjoy them!

Reflection Coloring SheetsExamples of when to use this tool
What’s my goal? What’s my role? What can I do without losing my soul? 

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Source: Team Dynamics
Artwork by Kay Moua
Good for reflection when taking on a new role. 
Can be used by staff at all levels – front line, team leads, directors etc.
Can be helpful when you’re in need of centering yourself before proposing a change initiative. 
Can be helpful when considering: “What are the brave things we are called to do?”
What is my identity? What values are important to me? 
What is non negotiable?

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PDFArtwork by Kay Moua
Can be a good reflection when working with a diverse group. 
Can be a good reflection for getting grounded in your self awareness. Helps you gain clarity about what you bring to the table and what’s most important to you. 
How do I perceive my power? 
What power do I have to draw on? (can be personal, ancestral, institutional etc.)
What do I need – what makes a situation good for me? What can make it life-giving, enjoyable, supportive of my growth?
How can I negotiate to make this situation work for me? 

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Artwork by Kay Moua
Can help you get grounded in the reality of your power. 
Can help disrupt limiting beliefs of powerlessness and activate your agency. 
Can help ground you before making big decisions.
Can help ground you before advocating for yourself. 
After filling out the worksheet, you can also use it to process/reflect with someone else to help you disrupt limiting beliefs and/or identify other options or perspectives you didn’t think of. 
How am I showing up? What can I contribute? What is holding me back?What is holding me up? What can help me contribute as my most powerful self?

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Artwork by Kay Mou
Can be helpful when you need to get grounded to show up as your most self-aware and powerful self in a collaboration. 
Who is most impacted? Who is harmed? Who benefits?
Who are we missing? Who do we know that we can start building relationships with?

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Artwork by Kay Mou
Good for reflecting on the impact your initiative is having. Helps to surface the unintended consequences and highlight who may be missing. 
Can help reveal what you may have overlooked and help you be more collaborative as you move forward. 
Great for a team, collaboration, coalition to reflect on together while in a planning stage. 
Can also be used as an evaluation tool after the completion of a systems change initiative.